Stopi naprej pa pridi nazaj

Povabi prijatelje, brata in sestro pa še mamo, teto, fotra in sestrične pa se podružite ob pojedini ali le piknite kakšen narezek, ob šanku razdrite vsaj eno pametno in proslavite vse tiste čudovite trenutke s trebuhi, polnimi sreče, ki vedno ostanejo v najlepših spominih. Pridi, pridi, je že na mizi …

Step forward and come back!

Invite your friends, brothers, and sisters, as well as your mother, aunt, stepmother, and cousins, and get together over a meal or just pick a cold cut, tear at least one smart at the bar, and celebrate all those wonderful moments with bellies full of happiness, which will always remain in the best memories. Come, come, it's already on the table ...

Breg od ponedeljka do sobote nudi à la carte meni.
Ob nedeljah si vzemi čas in pojej ta pravo domače kosilo na naši terasi.